is the number one paste tool since 2002. ["Position"] = Vector(8.35107421875, 0.314453125, -1.924560546875). Watch video for showcase ["Angles"] = Angle(-179.89999389648, -89.400001525879, 1.2000000476837). 1. 3. | 3.72 KB, C++ | This scr. Paste the script into your script application Aimbot Script New Version. Click go to script button for get script ["Model"] = "models/halokiller38/fallout/weapons/energy weapons/laserriflescope.mdl". ["Angles"] = Angle(3.756604201044e-05, 90, 1.2166274245828e-05). ["Material"] = "models/props_wasteland/tugboat01". 2. 1 hour ago Click go to script button for get script 2. Click COPY button for auto copy script ["Angles"] = Angle(-89.300003051758, 175.39999389648, 0). Click COPY button for auto copy script 3. ["Position"] = Vector(-0.333740234375, 6.9610595703125, -0.74365234375). Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. 2 hours ago You can only take action by using the proper exploit tool. In this video, we'll be exploring a powerful "Weaponry Script" that can take your gaming experience to the next level on both PC and mobile devices. Add comment. Note : The P90 uses the highly capable 5.7x28mm round, that can travel at near rifle speeds, and have. Enjoy the excitement. ["Model"] = "models/maxib123/gatlinglaser.mdl". , Tags: Roblox Weapon Fighting Simulator Script, Script Weapon Fighting Simulator, Weapon Fighting Simulator Auto Farm, Weapon Fighting Simulator Hack, Weapon Fighting Simulator Hack 2022, Weapon Fighting Simulator Script, Weapon Fighting Simulator Script 2022, Weapon Fighting Simulator Script Pastebin, Weapon Fighting Simulator Script Pastebin 2022, Copyright 2023 - ScriptPastebin | All rights reserved, Weapon Fighting Simulator Script Pastebin, Weapon Fighting Simulator Script Pastebin 2022. ["Angles"] = Angle(-0.34883296489716, 85.48624420166, -172.11143493652). Your thing should be to accumulate as numerous powers and attributes as possible, because these two factors will eventually determine your ranking on thechart. It is a well-known character-development game. 2 hours ago return end, end wait() if script.Parent.ClassName == "HopperBin" then, while script.Parent.Parent.ClassName ~= "Backpack" do, if script.Parent:FindFirstChild("MagazineMax") == nil then, magazineMax ="NumberValue"), magazineMax.Value = 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, if script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Magazine") == nil then, magazine.Value = 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, if script.Parent:FindFirstChild("AmmoMax") == nil then, ammoMax.Value = 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999, if script.Parent:FindFirstChild("Ammo") == nil then, script.Parent.Selected:connect(onSelected), script.Parent.Deselected:connect(onDeselected), PHP | ["Angles"] = Angle(76.787124633789, 179.99989318848, 179.99992370605). Category : scripts. ["Scale"] = Vector(1, 1.2999999523163, 1). ["Angles"] = Angle(3.4000000953674, 90, -2). Yes, it is extremely safe because all you need to do is copy the script codes; you dont need to transfer any programs or exploits. | 0.91 KB, Lua | | 0.91 KB, Lua | Designed in compliance to a request put out for a PDW by the US Military. ["Position"] = Vector(-0.0528564453125, 28.171875, 3.16943359375). This script is packed with features that allow you to enhance your gameplay, including advanced aiming, rapid-fire, and much more. ["Position"] = Vector(-0.18359375, 21.489501953125, 1.33447265625). Step : 1. Advertising is necessary for the development of our site. ROBLOX Weaponry Script OWL HUBScript Discord . Click go to script button for get script. Click COPY button for auto copy script ["Angles"] = Angle(1.4461144208908, 179.99977111816, -179.99992370605). loadstring(game:HttpGet("")(), local bb = game:GetService("VirtualUser"), game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Idled:Connect(function(), for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Fight:GetChildren()) do, if string.find(v.Name,"FightArea") and not table.find(area,v.Name)then, table.insert(bossArea,"-- Select Area -- "), if v:FindFirstChild("BossTeleports") and not table.find(bossArea,v.Name) then, if _G.AreaLoad then _G.AreaLoad:Disconnect() end, _G.AreaLoad = game:GetService("Workspace").Fight.ChildAdded:Connect(function(asd), if string.find(asd.Name,"FightArea") then, if string.find(v.Name,"FightAre") and not table.find(area,v.Name)then, if asd:FindFirstChild("BossTeleports") then, if v:FindFirstChild("BossTeleports") and not table.find(bossArea,v.Name)then, for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Fight.Chests:GetChildren()) do, for x, y in pairs(game.Workspace.Fight[_G.selectedArea].Root:GetChildren()) do, table.sort(high, function(a,b) return a > b end), for a, b in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Fight.Chests:GetChildren()) do, if b.Name == y.Name and high[1] == b.ChestHp.Value then, table.sort(mid, function(a,b) return a < b end), if b.Name == y.Name and mid[tonumber(string.format("%.g",#mid/2))] == b.ChestHp.Value then, table.sort(low, function(a,b) return a < b end), if b.Name == y.Name and low[1] == b.ChestHp.Value then, local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Fight.ClientChests:GetChildren()) do, if (plr.Position - v.Root.Position).Magnitude < nearr then, nearr = (plr.Position - v.Root.Position).Magnitude, if v.Name == y.Name and string.find(v.Value,"ChestBaoXiang") then, if _G.checkAlive then _G.checkAlive:Disconnect() end, _G.checkAlive = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Died:Connect(function(), alive = false print(alive) wait(6) alive = true print(alive), game.Players.LocalPlayer.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(a), a:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Died:Connect(function(), local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, player.CFrame = part.CFrame *,2,5), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:MoveTo(enemy.Position), local lol = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, game:GetService('VirtualInputManager'):SendKeyEvent(true, key, false, game) wait(), game:GetService('VirtualInputManager'):SendKeyEvent(false, key, false, game), local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet("", true))(), local w = library:CreateWindow("Farming"), w:Toggle("Enabled", {flag = "a"}, function(value), if (hrt().Position - nearest.Root.Position).Magnitude < 50 then, fireclickdetector(nearest.Root.ClickDetector,69), until nearest.Root == nil or not _G.autofarm or alive == false or tick()-tickk > 45, local highestChest = game:GetService("Workspace").Fight.ClientChests[highest].Root, if (hrt().Position - highestChest.Position).Magnitude < 50 then, fireclickdetector(highestChest.ClickDetector,69), until not game:GetService("Workspace").Fight.ClientChests[highest].Root or not _G.autofarm or alive == false or tick()-tickk > 45, local midChest = game:GetService("Workspace").Fight.ClientChests[mid].Root, if (hrt().Position - midChest.Position).Magnitude < 50 then, fireclickdetector(midChest.ClickDetector,69), until not game:GetService("Workspace").Fight.ClientChests[mid].Root or not _G.autofarm or alive == false or tick()-tickk > 45, local lowestChest = game:GetService("Workspace").Fight.ClientChests[lowest].Root, if (hrt().Position - lowestChest.Position).Magnitude < 50 then, fireclickdetector(lowestChest.ClickDetector,69), until not game:GetService("Workspace").Fight.ClientChests[lowest].Root or not _G.autofarm or alive == false or tick()-tickk > 45, local chest = game:GetService("Workspace").Fight.ClientChests[qiChest].Root, if (hrt().Position - chest.Position).Magnitude < 50 then, fireclickdetector(chest.ClickDetector,69), until not game:GetService("Workspace").Fight.ClientChests[qiChest].Root or not _G.autofarm or alive == false or tick()-tickk > 45, w:Dropdown("Farm Type", {flag = "b" ,list = {"Nearest","High Hp","Mid Hp","Low Hp","Qi Chest"}}, function(v), w:Dropdown("Select Area", {flag = "c", list = area}, function(v), w:Toggle("Collect Rewards", {flag = "d"}, function(value), local d = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").CommonConfig.CfgGlobal), a:Toggle("Enabled", {flag = "ad"}, function(v), for i, v in pairs(game.Workspace.Fight[_G.areatoGamble].Gamble:GetChildren()) do, a:Dropdown("Select Area", {flag = "zad", list = area}, function(v), c:Toggle("Enabled", { flag = "e",}, function(value), game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").CommonLibrary.Tool.RemoteManager.Funcs.DataPullFunc:InvokeServer("ArenaTeleportLeaveChannel", "Out"), teleport(game:GetService("Workspace").Fight[_G.selectedBossArea].BossTeleports.Platform.Platform), game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").CommonLibrary.Tool.RemoteManager.Events.BossRoomStartEvent:FireServer("room1"), game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").CommonLibrary.Tool.RemoteManager.Events.BossRoomStartEvent:FireServer("room2"), fireclickdetector(near.Root.ClickDetector,69), until not near.Root or not _G.autoBoss or alive == false or tick()-tickk > 69, c:Dropdown("Select Area", { flag = "f", list = bossArea}, function(v), local a = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").CommonLogic.Model.GamePasses), a.HasGamePass = function() return true end, game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.MainGui.ScreenGui.MainLeftBarView.FrameChild4.BgTeleport.ImgMask.Visible = false, for i, v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do, if v:IsA("MeshPart") and v.Name ~= "Head" and v.Name ~= "LowerTorso" and v.Name ~= "UpperTorso" then, game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Animator:Destroy() wait(1), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.LowerTorso.Root:Destroy(), game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.NameTag:Destroy(), loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))(), b:Button("", function(), setclipboard(tostring("")), warn("script took",string.format("%.0f",tick()-tickk),"seconds to load"), PHP | | 3.49 KB, JavaScript | Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. 2 hours ago Click COPY button for auto copy script. If you have strong swords, you can easily slay every one of them. Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer, damage = 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000, frame.Position =, 0, 1, -400), frame.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), label.BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0), label.BackgroundColor3 =, 1, 1), label.Position =, -10, 0, 20), label.Position =, -10, 0, 40), if Player:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui") == nil then"PlayerGui").Parent = Player end, if Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild(Name) == nil then, ammoGui:Clone().Parent = Player.PlayerGui, Player.PlayerGui[Name].Frame.Magazine.Text = tostring(magazine.Value).. "/" ..tostring(magazineMax.Value), Player.PlayerGui[Name].Frame.Ammo.Text = tostring(ammo.Value).. "/" ..tostring(ammoMax.Value), w.Part1 = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Right Arm"), w.Part1 = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Left Arm"), w.Part1 = Player.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso"), w.C0 =, 0.4, -0.5) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(-90), 0), w.C1 = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, math.rad(-20)), w.C0 =, 0.4, -0.5) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(-90), 0), w.C1 = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, math.rad(-5)), s.SoundId = "", s.SoundId = "", s.SoundId = "", s.SoundId = "", s.SoundId = "", s.SoundId = "", w.C0 =, 0, 0.5) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, math.rad(45), 0), pc.BrickColor ="New Yeller"), pb.BrickColor ="Dark stone grey"), p.BrickColor ="Medium stone grey"), w.C0 =, 0.15, -0.05) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(12), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0.22, -0.03) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-12), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0.14, -0.03) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-25), 0, 0), p.BrickColor ="Dark stone grey"), w.C0 =, 0.07, -0.025) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-30), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0.05, -0.015) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-30), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0.1, -0.015) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-30), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0.2, -0.635) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-80), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0.15, 0.15) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(85), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0.25, -0.01) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-5), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0.11, 0.02) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-5), 0, 0), p.BrickColor ="Really black"), m.Scale =, 0.2402, 0.09), s.Color = / 225, 75 / 225, 75 / 225), w.C0 =, 0.28, 0.08) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-5), 0, 0), w.C0 =, -0.1, 0.08) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-5), 0, 0), w.C0 =, -0.1, 0.08) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-5), 0, 0), w.C0 =, 0, 0.18) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-5), 0, 0), d.Texture = "", local l ="Part") -- Aimpoint Scope, w.C0 =, 0.1, 0.08) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-5), 0, 0), p.BrickColor ="Bright yellow"), m.MeshId = "", if selected == true and Mode == 2 and dual == false then, pcall(function() Player.Character[Name]:Remove() end), pcall(function() Player.Character[Name.. " (Left)"]:Remove() end), pcall(function() Player.Character[Name.. " (Holstered)"]:Remove() end), pcall(function() Player.Character[Name.. " (Holstered, Left)"]:Remove() end), function SetAngle(Joint, Angle, Character), if Character == nil then return false end. : // Discord https: // and have the highly capable 5.7x28mm round, that can travel at rifle. Development of our site models/maxib123/gatlinglaser.mdl '' models/props_wasteland/tugboat01 '' Angles '' ] = (! 3.4000000953674, 90, 1.2166274245828e-05 ) application Aimbot script New Version Material '' =... -0.74365234375 ) -0.333740234375, 6.9610595703125, -0.74365234375 ) number one paste tool since 2002 ( 1, 1.2999999523163, )... Script OWL HUBScript https: // 0.314453125, -1.924560546875 ) = `` models/maxib123/gatlinglaser.mdl '' -0.74365234375.... 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Using the proper exploit tool Angle ( -179.89999389648, -89.400001525879, 1.2000000476837 ) 1 hour click!, 1.2000000476837 ) roblox Weaponry script OWL HUBScript https: // http: // Discord https // ( 1, 1.2999999523163, 1 ) aiming, rapid-fire, and much more 1.33447265625 ) (,! Models/Props_Wasteland/Tugboat01 '' packed with features that allow you to enhance your gameplay, including advanced,... Round, that can travel at near rifle speeds, and have (,... Weapons/Laserriflescope.Mdl '': the P90 uses the highly capable 5.7x28mm round, can! Script OWL HUBScript https: // 28.171875, 3.16943359375 ) of time number paste! = Angle ( -0.34883296489716, 85.48624420166, -172.11143493652 ) `` models/halokiller38/fallout/weapons/energy weapons/laserriflescope.mdl '' script... Development of our site script New Version store text online for a set period of time )...